Leading the way in the world of sustainable fashion, Patagonia have been producing
sustainable outdoor clothing since 1973. Their ethical practises extend from the source of
the fibre used in the production of fabric, to the sale and re-sale of their clothing when it
reaches the consumer.

As part of their push to be a sustainable brand, they offer incentives to consumers such as
the “Worn Wear” initiative, which allows customers to return their worn and good-
condition items to the company for company credits. These items are then cleaned and
repaired before being sold at a discount price. To add to this, in 2017 the company even
took out an ad encouraging customers to not buy their jacket – as a pushback against
excessive consumption.

The company also takes actions to be an “activist company”. It donates 1% of its sales to
environmental charities, and the founder of the company also helped found “One Percent
For The Planet”, which encourages companies to donate part of their sales or profits to
environmental charities. The cotton that they use for their products is at least 56% certified-
organic, which they have been doing since 1996.

Further to their environmental efforts, Patagonia also makes an effort to protect their
employee’s rights and they refuse to work with factories or suppliers which use forced
labour or unethical labour practises. In 2017 they received second place when reviewed by
the Ethical Fashion Guide, due to their stellar employee and supplier policies, including
ensuring that employees receive a living wage.

Overall, if you’re looking for an ethical and sustainable clothing brand, Patagonia is one
which ticks all the boxes. Although they acknowledge that they’re not perfect, they do make
active efforts to try and combat their impact that production and shipping has on the
environment and around the world. In addition to that, with such a long history, they’re a
company that has built a solid brand of high-quality clothing for long-lasting wear.